Modern Research Methods
Modern Research Methods
Final Project
Helpful resources
This page includes a number of resources to help you with the course.
Getting help
Look at the help files ( ?<function> in RStudio console) Look at the cheatsheets Google – often adding “tidyverse” to your search helps Often it’s a lot more pleasant an experience to get your questions answered in person.
General R/Tidyverse resources
Cheatsheets are a great resources for questions on a range of R and tidyverse functions. The tidyverse website has a lot of useful learning resources. If you have familarity with Python, this is a good resource for learning R.
R style suggestions
R style conventions R is fairly forgiving about how you type code (unlike other languages like Python, where miscounting spaces can ruin your code!). All of these things will do exactly the same thing:
Using Markdown
written by Andrew Heiss Markdown is a special kind of markup language that lets you format text with simple syntax. You can then use a converter program like pandoc to convert Markdown into whatever format you want: HTML, PDF, Word, PowerPoint, etc.
Using R Markdown
R Markdown is regular Markdown with R code and output sprinkled in. You can do everything you can with regular Markdown, but you can incorporate graphs, tables, and other R output directly in your document.